14 Days. All the goals. All the results.
No more tossing ridiculous goals on the wall and hoping they stick.
No more tossing ridiculous goals on the wall and hoping they stick.
This year:
  • Get crystal clear on what you really want.
  •  Identify how to set real goals (not just a glamorous To-Do list), and learn how to actually make them happen.
  •  Learn the formula. Friend, goal-setting for most people is totally random. How about you learn how to do this in an organized way? #igotyourback
  •             Plus,become the person who dreams AND achieves  big. When you learn how to bust through the doubt and self-limiting beliefs, you’ll finally be able to reach any goal!
  • Keys to our           Level Up: The Challenge Membership Site,and all the challenge content for life
  •  Access to our exclusive            Level Up: The ChallengeFacebook group
  •  Daily Challenges and mini-trainings
  •  Downloadable worksheets and printables to help you organize the process and get results
  •  Personal interaction, insights, and mentorship throughout the the challenge
  •  Prizes
Yep, I said Prizes!
Throughout the 14-day Challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to earn raffle tickets and enter to win:
  • Grand Prize: Lifetime access to the Level Up home study course (valued at $997)
  •  (One of 2) 30 minute strategy coaching call with HQ (just me and you, hotshot)
Plus…you can get in FREE. I’m not even kidding!
Refer 3 of your friends and get your challenge entry FREE!

Share the love, and I’ll share The Challenge with you for free. When you register for The Challenge, you’ll get a special referral link to share with your peeps. When 3 people join through that referral link (unique to you), you’ll get your challenge registration fee refunded! #yesplease
Registration is closed, but get on our list to be the first to know when the next one launches!
*if you're part of my international sales organization, Give.Grow.Gain., don't purchase...
you'll find all this goodness in our team Facebook page!
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